Lucy Clarice Dash – assistant to newsagent

Regular visitors to our cemetery walks will know my pet hate – the under recording of married women’s work on the Victorian census returns. Despite official instructions to the enumerator regarding the recording of women’s work e.g. ‘women who are regularly employed from home, or at home, in any but domestic duties to be distinctly recorded,’ much was lost in translation. Casual and seasonal work was frequently omitted, as was work in a family business, so often all we see here in on the census returns for railway dominated Swindon is, for example ‘boilermaker’s wife.’

The 1939 list compiled at the outbreak of WWII also reveals most married women described as being engaged only in ‘unpaid domestic duties’ – really! Well I have found an exception – Lucy Dash who was recorded as ‘assistant to newsagent’ at 3, Kent Road. Yes, it only tells half the story, but it’s an improvement.

The newsagents in Kent Road where Lucy ‘assisted’

Lucy was born in 1893 in Gateshead, the third child of John, an engine fitter, and his wife Lucy Peters. The family arrived in Swindon sometime during the 1890s and a home in Stafford Street.

At the time of the 1911 census 17 year old Lucy was working as a Draper’s Assistant in Maidenhead, Berks and lodging with Mrs Edward and three other young, single women all employed in the drapery business (the occupation of single women was usually recorded). In 1923 she married Herbert George Dash and the couple went on to have four children.

In 1928 A.R. Leach occupied the newsagents at 3 Kent Road but by 1939 Herbert and Lucy (assisting, of course) were in residence.

Following their retirement the couple lived at 10 Grovelands Avenue, Swindon. Lucy died on October 14, 1955 and was buried in grave plot E7773 with her parents and her sister Phyllis.

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